The children had a fun-filled, fantastic day on the 100th Day of Kindergarten!
It's amazing to see all they have learned and the wonderful friendships
that have blossomed in 100 Days of Kindergarten!
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.
The children were so creative with their 100th Day Collections!

We sang this fun 100th Day song during our celebration!
You might want to ask your child
if he/she can teach it to you!
The children had lots of fun activities to choose from throughout the day!
Some of the children brought home activities that they didn't have time to complete, so they could have some 100th Day fun over the weekend!
Several children took the 100th Day Exercise Challenge!
I promised them that I would post it on the Blog before I went home
tonight in case they wanted to take the challenge over the weekend.
100th Day Exercises
1. Jump 10 times on both feet
2. Hula hoop 10 times
3. Take 10 steps
4. Jump 10 times on one foot
5. Do 10 Jumping Jacks
6. Jump rope 10 times
7. Bounce a ball 10 times
8. Touch your toes 10 times
9. Turn around 10 times
10. Go get 10 sips of water!

Comments are always welcome on our classroom Blog!
You might want to ask your child some of the things
that they have liked the best in our classroom
during the first 100 days of Kindergarten.
Your child could dictate his/her comments to you,
and you could type them in the comment section.
*Note: Comments won't get published immediately,
but will be posted within a couple of days!
We sang this fun 100th Day song during our celebration!
You might want to ask your child
if he/she can teach it to you!
100 Day Song
We have been together, together, together.
We have been together for 100 days!
We've been working and playing,
and sharing and caring.
We have been together for 100 Days!The children had lots of fun activities to choose from throughout the day!
Some of the children brought home activities that they didn't have time to complete, so they could have some 100th Day fun over the weekend!
Several children took the 100th Day Exercise Challenge!
I promised them that I would post it on the Blog before I went home
tonight in case they wanted to take the challenge over the weekend.
100th Day Exercises
1. Jump 10 times on both feet
2. Hula hoop 10 times
3. Take 10 steps
4. Jump 10 times on one foot
5. Do 10 Jumping Jacks
6. Jump rope 10 times
7. Bounce a ball 10 times
8. Touch your toes 10 times
9. Turn around 10 times
10. Go get 10 sips of water!
Comments are always welcome on our classroom Blog!
You might want to ask your child some of the things
that they have liked the best in our classroom
during the first 100 days of Kindergarten.
Your child could dictate his/her comments to you,
and you could type them in the comment section.
*Note: Comments won't get published immediately,
but will be posted within a couple of days!
" I liked playing with the wooden blocks the best" -Eli