Friday, September 29, 2017

S.T.E.M. Challenge

On Friday, September 29th 
we took the Bucket Towers Engineering Challenge!

Challenge:  To build a structure using only straws, string and tape.  The structure must have a suspended bucket that is
 free-swinging and holds weight.

After the 10 minute building time was up, we walked around the building to view other Bucket Towers.  Then, I gave the children extra time to revise their models and see if they could complete the challenge.  Three of our groups were able to build structures that held pennies!

Here are some pictures from the Bucket Towers Engineering Challenge!
I saw amazing creativity, perseverance, teamwork and innovation!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Pajama Day Reminder!

Dear Families,

On Tuesday, September 26th we will be having a Pajama Day in our classroom!   This is a reward for team work and cooperation.  The children earned scoops of glitter in our glitter jar for listening respectfully during whole group instructional times, treating all classmates with kindness and respect, putting forth their best effort, etc.  I am pleased to say that our glitter jar is full!

The class voted on how they would like to celebrate their success and Pajama Day got the most votes!  Your child can ride to school with their pajamas already on, wear their pajamas under loose fitting clothes, or change into their pajamas at school in the morning.  Children are also welcome to bring a small stuffed animal to cuddle with during story time and read to during independent reading time.

I hope the children enjoy this special day!
                           Happy Pajama Day!                              

                            Kathleen Gouzie

Friday, September 22, 2017

Parent Seminar Follow-up

Dear Families,    
 There is always so much to talk about at our Parent Seminar. I wanted to create a list of 
follow-ups and a to-do list to answer any questions or lingering thoughts you may have. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me at


1. Sign up for automatic blog updates on Mrs. Gouzie's Blog! Please refer to the blogging note in your Parent Seminar folder with instructions on how to "follow" our classroom blog and receive an email whenever I have created a new blog post.  My goal is to provide you with important classroom news, while also giving you a chance to take a peek at your child as he/she participates in school activities.  I will be sharing pictures, student work, curriculum updates, special announcements, videos, slide shows and so much more!
2.  Please fill out and return the second page of the blogging note regarding permission to post pictures and displays of student work on our classroom blog.
3.  Go on to Raz-Kids and have your child explore, read and have fun! This is an amazing resource that gives your child access to a variety of wonderful "just right" books to help them become better readers! There is a link to Raz-kids on the home page of our classroom blog. You can find your child's password in the Parent Seminar folder.  You can gain access to Raz-Kids by going to Mrs. Gouzie's Blog.  I have added a page on my blog with a link that will take you directly to Raz-Kids. 
4.  Take a moment to check out XtraMath, which is a program we are using to increase speed and accuracy in arithmetic.  I have added a page on my blog with a link to XtraMath.  Please refer to the XtraMath note in your Parent Seminar folder for more information regarding this program. 
5.  Please fill out and return the permission slip for your child to participate in Talking about Touching:  A Personal Safety Curriculum, if you haven’t done this yet.
6. If you are interested in being a Mystery Guest Reader and you did not have a chance to sign up yet, please send me an email.
Please let me know what month you are interested in, so I can check our schedule to see what dates are available.  I will send you a secret reminder the week of your visit.  To ensure fairness, please just sign up once so that everyone gets a turn.  Our Mystery Guest Reader times are on Fridays from 2:40-3:00.  Please remember "Shhhh", it's a surprise!

Thank you to all who signed up to be Room Parents, Library Volunteers, and Reader's Workshop Volunteers!  T.E.S.P.T.O. is looking for classroom yearbook volunteers! 
We already have a volunteer for Collage Editor, but we are still looking for a Class Photographer.  If you are willing to serve in this volunteer position, please contact me by email. 
COMING SOON: Classroom Book Sign-outs!
There’s nothing that can replace the feeling of curling up in a cozy spot with a great book!  Over the years I have purchased so many amazing books for our classroom library.  I would love to share these with children and families, as I want to share my love for reading with all of you!  Coming soon, your first graders will have the opportunity to sign-out “just right” books that they can read to you, as well as “dessert books”, which are books that you can read to your child while they sit back and enjoy some quality time with you.  More information on our Classroom Book Sign-out program will be coming soon!

It was absolutely wonderful to meet so many of you at our Parent Seminar. I am looking forward to a fantastic year ahead of us!


Kathleen Gouzie

*Please feel free to post comments on our blog!
 I would love to hear from you!  Comments are not posted immediately, but are usually published within a day or two.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Parent Seminar

Dear Families,

Thanks to all who were able to stop by Tuesday night for our Parent Seminar!  It was so nice to meet so many of you and get a chance to talk about your fabulous first graders and some of the exciting activities I have planned for the children.  Below is a link to my Parent Seminar presentation for all to view.  This may be a great resource for you to refer back to throughout the year, as it highlights the concepts that will be taught in all curriculum areas.
I am looking forward to a fantastic year!

Click on the scroll bar to view our Parent Seminar Presentation: