Welcome to a new school year at Steward School! This is such a wonderful time for you and your child. Your first grader will grow tremendously during the course of this school year. My goal is to create a classroom community where children are happy, comfortable, enthusiastic about learning and love waking up to come to school every day!
Mrs. Gouzie
Communication Is Key!
You are the experts on your children! Therefore, I love keeping communication open at all times. Parent volunteers and Mystery Readers will be welcomed throughout the year. A volunteer schedule will be presented on
Open House Night on September 20th!
I am always available to chat! Here are 3 ways to contact me…
By email:
By phone:
You can call the office at 978-887-1538. My extension is 3405. I am here late most afternoons, so this is a good time to reach me. I also check my voice-mail at the end of each day!
Write a note:
You can also place a note in your child’s Take Home Folder and I will get back to you as soon as possible!
Important Dates & Times to Remember:
Important Dates & Times to Remember:
September 3rd- No School
September 20th-
Steward School’s Parent Seminar!
September 28th-
Early Release 12pm
*Please provide your child with a healthy snack to eat each day during our mid-morning break before lunch. This year first graders eat lunch at 12:55pm so having a larger snack in the morning is energizing!
· Due to allergies please make sure these snacks are nut free to ensure our classroom is a nut free zone.
· Buying Lunch- Children buying lunch will make their lunch choice in the morning. An account system can be set up through the Steward School Website. J
Bus/Car Rider Notes

A note is also needed if your child is going home with a friend on a different bus, or is getting off at a different bus stop.
The bus notes are read by me and then sent to the main office early in the morning where bus lists/pick up lists are generated and provided for the staff covering afternoon dismissal duties.
Please make your child aware of any dismissal changes which may take place during the school year.
Thank you so much for your cooperation!
I cannot thank you all enough for sending in the wonderful school supplies for this school year. Most importantly, thank you for sending your children to school with happy smiling faces! J
Here’s to the start of a Fantastic
First Grade Year!
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